17 Mayıs 2012 Perşembe

Bougrier Chenin Blanc

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I think one word sums up my whole being at the moment,exhausted. As if dividing my time between our new dog, Rooster and spendingtime with our cat Daisy who is still holed up in the bathroom wasn’t enough. Asof today add five 2 day old chicks in the basement. It’s a wonder I have timeto drink water let alone wine. But don’t you worry; you know I’ll find a way toget my wine time in. After a brief cool spell, warmer temps are back and thatmeans so are the white wines. Last night we opened a bottle of Bougrier CheninBlanc 2010.

Peach and citrus aromas lead to a slightly sweet crisp andrefreshing white wine. Citrus and honey with a hint of minerality in the finish.Well balance between the acidity and the sugars. I picked this bottle up atTotal Wine for $8.99 and will be getting more the next time I’m in Alpharetta.
So just what is minerality and does it truly exist in wines?For me it’s that hint of stone, dirt, chalk or slate. It’s that onecharacteristic that I can’t quite put my finger on, some may say umami. Most ofthe time it’s an underlying flavor on the palate or a hint in the nose. I alsofind it to be more pronounced when there is an absence of fruit. Some winedrinkers and experts dispute its existence claiming grape vines can not pick upminerals from the terroir.
The term minerality is absent from The Oxford Companion toWine (a wine lover’s bible) but does list the minerals that may be found inwine; iron, calcium, copper, sulfur, to name just a few. The term is alsomissing from the Wine Aroma Wheel, developed by UC-Davis’ Dr. Ann Noble.
I find this absence interesting considering how manywineries and appellations rely on the importance of geology and soilcomposition making up the wine’s terroir. After doing some research on theminerality phenomenon, I still have no conclusive evidence as to if it trulyexists or not. Since wine descriptors are subjective, I say if you pick up theflavor of stone, chalk or even dirt, it exists for you.  
I think I’m a little brain dead from reading aboutminerality (it’s not as exciting as one would hope) and taking care of all ofthe farm animals. There will be much to share in the next few weeks and months.
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