17 Mayıs 2012 Perşembe

Kirkland Signature Sonoma County Chardonnay 2009

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“Sheez, give the woman a break,” is what I want to say aboutall the hype over CNBC’s recent interview with Annette Alvarez-Peters,Costco's lead wine buyer. CNBC's Carl Quintanilla, asked Alvarez-Peters if shefelt wine perhaps was more special than toilet paper or tin foil. Alvarez-Peters’conclusion, "People can look at it that way. But at the end of the day,it's a beverage.” This 17 word response has many wine lovers seething andothers like me looking inward asking; “How special is wine to me?” On my recenttrip to Costco, I spied a bottle of Kirkland Sonoma Chardonnay. Curiosity waspiqued and I decided to give the Costco private label brand a try.
Tropical aromas mixed with green apple. Semi-sweet flavorsof mango and peach with a creamy mouthfeel and a toasty oak finish. Although itwas a tad on the sweet side, I have to admit, I didn’t hate it. For $9.99 Iwould probably buy this one again but wouldn’t serve at a dinner party. Thiswould be more of an everyday wine to enjoy in the summer heat.
You can pick up a little trivia info in the article linkedabove. For example, did you know Costco’s Wine Leader sets the prices on winesand those prices help determine the market value of that wine for otherretailers? And did you know, Costco is the largest American importer of Frenchwines with some pretty well known labels like Château Mouton Rothshild and Château Pétrus? Not tooshabby, huh.
So how do I feel about Alvarez-Peters’ saying wine is nomore important than toilet paper? Well I can say both are pretty important tome but on very different levels.
A recent trip to Georgia wineries with my in-lawsproved to me how much I want to share wine with others. My husband and I tookthem to two of the best wineries in the area. Upon arrival at the first winerythey did not want to partake in the tastings (after I had been touting thiswinery for the past 10 days). At the second winery my husband I thought itwould be a great way to wind down their visit with a bottle while overlookingthe mountains on the back deck. Again, the in-laws did not want to partake.
At that point, I was offended and a tad miffed. Ok, not justa tad, I was pissed and it showed. Wine is a big part of my life, I hate toadmit this but it defines me. Now that I have access to these great wineries Iwant to share them with others. However, on that day I realized sometimes wehave to step back and take stock in people we are with and come to the sadconclusion that to some, wine really is justa beverage. Sigh
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